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作者:Japanese Studies     时间:2017/7/14 20:35:09

The Essence and Effect of the Strategic Gaming between China and Japan (Wu Yin)

The Evolution and Influence of Taiwan Issues in Sino-Japanese Relations after the Cold War (Lyu Yaodong)

The Abe Administration's Perception and Response to China's Rise: From the Perspective of Balance ofNormative Power (Cai Liang)

Ideas and Japan's Middle East Diplomacy (Cheng Yun)

A Political Analysis of Changes of Japan's Prime Ministers (Xu Wansheng)

The Debt Issues of the Long-term Economic Stagnation:A Review of Japanese Economy (Kobayashi Keichiro)

Between State and Market: A Comparative Study of Development Bank Capitalization Reforms in China and Japan (Chen Muyang)

The Destiny of Constitutional Politics in Modern Japan:From Majoritarianism to the Depravity of Instrumentalism (Zhou Songlun and ZhengYi)

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