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作者:Japanese Studies     时间:2019/4/1 11:57:24

The Abdication of Japan's Emperor:History and Reality(Li Zhuo)

The Party Politics in Japan's Heisei Era: Reform, Competition and Dominance (Xu Wansheng) 

The Dissociation under the Consensus: Differences between U.S. and Japan over Security Policies towards China(Ling Shengli and Fang Yinzhan)

Japan's Cultural Diplomacy towards China and the Building of Its National Image (Zhao Rong and Yu Shuo)

The Characteristics of Low Fertility Issue in Asia: A Comparative Perspective between Japan,U.S. and European Countries (Masahiro Yamada)

Can the Industrial Policy and the Competition Policy Be Balanced? The Coordinating Mechanism between the Industrial Policy and the Competition Policy in Japan and Its Implication( Li Huimin and Wang Zhong)

The Territorial Dispute over Diaoyu Islands from the Perspective of the Critical Date(Shu Zhenya)

“ The Civil Society School of Marxism”and Its Significance to Contemporary China: Focusing on Seiji Mochizuki's Study on the Historical Theory of Marx (Han Lixin) 

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