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作者:     时间:2018/6/5 16:28:15

The Cause of Abe’s Long-term Administration:Social Changes,System Design and Abenomics(Wang Xinsheng)

Japan’s Diplomacy in Middle East under the Abe Administration:The Strategy,Regional Regime and Dilemmas(Cheng Yun)

Power Transition,Relative Gains and Predicament in the Cooperation Between China and Japan:The Case of Japan’s Reaction to the Belt and Road Initiative(Yuan Weihua)

Japan’s Policy towards the Belt and Road Initiative:Process,Characteristics and Driving Factors(Lu Hao)

The Regional Economic Strategies and Their Economic Effects of China,Japan and ASEAN(Jin Renshu)

Rethinking on Several Problems of the Meiji Restoration(Song Chengyou)

The Meiji Restoration and Modern Japan(Cui Shiguang)

Huang Zunxian’s Understandings of the Meiji Restoration(Dai Dongyang)

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