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作者:Janpanese Studies     时间:2019/6/3 13:17:50

The Political Factors in Japan’s Determine Reiwa as the New Reign Title (Gao Hong)

The Continuity and Innovation of the Symbolic Imperial System in the Heise Period (Tian Qingli)

The Practice of Japan’s Representative Bureaucracy(Bai Zhili and Zou Yunjin)

Japan-U.S. Coordination Mechanism over North Korean Nuclear and Missile Issue: The Situation in the Second Abe Administration (Jiang Mingchen)

The Timing, Measures and Effect of Japan’s Supply-side Structural Reform(Cui Jian)

The Path of Supply-side Structural Reform: Japan’s Experience and Inspiration(Tian Zheng and Wu Peng)

The Trace of Masao Maruyama’s Study on the History of Japanese Thoughts(Ou Jianying)

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